Tasks Delegation Tips for Leaders, Bosses and Business Owners
It is totally normal that leaders tend to be unwilling, sometimes even wary to hand over or share a little portion of their authority of control to their subordinates. One possible unspoken reason is their fear – fear that by sharing a small portion of this power, his/her subordinates would stop listening and working the way a leader wants it to be done. Some leaders also that by doing this, their power or authority would diminish.
However, leaders with this kind of mentality are overlooking the fact that by the doing the opposite- by passing or sharing their torch of authority can increase the efficiently and effectiveness of his/her team. By spreading the roles and responsibilities, tasks and to do’s, the result can even more so be enhanced. A leader who ends up fixing every problem his/her employee has, this could mean this leader is not really giving them trust to face and resolve their own issues in the workplace.
The empowerment of employees and encouragement of many wonderful traits like for instance, resourcefulness, requires more than just providing them policies to follow. The little things that may look like they don’t matter might actually give far better results. If an issue in the workplace arises, a leader or a boss may consider sending back their subordinates to their workstations and encourage them to come up with their own solutions or suggestions for an action to answer for the issues that have arisen, and if necessary, only if necessary will they return to the leader to have other options discussed. Another way could be appointing a supervisor or an assistant manager to handle the everyday problems.
If you find yourself unable to meet results in managing every aspect of the your department, or your business, here are a few steps you may want to consider taking in order to share authority and power in the business and push your business to become more efficient:
1. Acknowledge the theory. You’ll literally need to learn how to “let go.” You need to learn to accept the other people’s ideas in your business. You’ll never know what will work best unless you try them.
2. Plot out the procedures. Establish which among the many tasks you think you should keep as the owner/ boss/leader ad, which tasks can be, handled by your management.
3. Distinguish your managers. The most important thing here is that you find a person who is evidently capable and someone you trust. Of course, this would entail proper and complete training and time-to-time supervision to keep everything intact with the business.
4. Let go and relax. As soon as these things are in place, you can now take a good seat, and relax and give room to your management to grow and succeed.
Having the slighter important and everyday concerns from your things to take care of will allow you to shift your focus more on the bigger things- the more important concerns of the business. Through this, you will also get to boost your staff and management’s growth and leading them towards a more productive and efficient workplace.