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CEO News

Instant Office Phenomenon for Executives

Life in the instant world has become a usual phenomenon in society. Not just food, even an office is available instantly. Traditional office space usually requires a one- year contract or longer, while instant office can be rented for one day or one month. Investors like an instant office because they do not have to prepare many things to start their business.

Dina Salem, Business Development Manager of CEO SUITE, an instant office provider, explained that about 80 %-90 % of the 40 suites in CEO were occupied. CEO provides office space with furniture and staff. Equipment such as fax, telephone and other high tech equipage that CEO provides are often more sophisticated than in an ordinary office. Furthermore, CEO offices are located in the central business district (Wisma GKBI and Jakarta Stock Exchange).

Elegant Interior
Beside local investors, foreign investors are registered as clients of this instant office. The lease term of an instant office is extremely flexible, one month, one week and even one day. An instant office with its luxurious style and elegant interior is the best choice for busy investors that need efficiency.