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CEO News

Conscience : Another Feather in CEO SUITE’s Cap

Among the world’s serviced offices, CEO SUITE stands out as one provider par excellence. It may sound like a tag line, but it certainly is not. It is simply the result of superior quality facilities and services provided by the company’s resourceful and hands-on management. This testimonial and numerous commendations come from CEO SUITE’s multinational clients occupying the company’s centers here in Jakarta, as well as in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Shanghai and affiliated centers in New York, Sydney and Seoul. Major corporations like Dell, ExxonMobil, ANZ, BMC Software, KPMG, Ritz Carlton adorn their lengthy client list and the number keeps growing.

CEO SUITE’s fully furnished instant offices with ultra modern trimmings come complete with sophisticated telecommunications, IT devices and office equipment, such as color laser printers and scanners, high-speed multifunctional photocopiers, advanced PABX, voicemail and unified messaging systems, broadband internet, 24-hour CCTV and electronic access system, ISDN, LAN and video conferencing facilities. The ambience, interior lighting and background music at CEO SUITE are all small details, chosen with great care to ensure maximum productivity.

This five-star one-stop provider offers a wide range of services including company establishment, tax consultation, accounting, travel arrangements, recruitment, interior design, project management, relocation, graphic design and printing. Flexibility is another key feature. Flexibility in terms of sizes and rates of offices, from the one-person to the more spacious 20-person office and flexible rental options, on an hourly, daily, monthly or yearly basis. The office sizes can also be downsized or expanded depending on your business needs. Setting up a cost-effective office here is efficiently done within a matter of minutes.

The flexibility extends to having CEO SUITE as your virtual office: receiving and forwarding of mails to wherever you are, answering your incoming calls and have the calls instantly forwarded to you, messages relayed either via SMS, e-mail or voicemail.

Intending to expand your business network? Not a major problem, as CEO SUITE holds periodic cocktail parties. Plus, as a client you enjoy free access to various prestigious clubs. In fact, it is an almost endless list of state-of-the-art facilities and highly professional services that have been meticulously tailored, not only to meet your requirements but to exceed your expectations.

If, for any reason at all you should be concerned over your security, or any other aspect of your environment, a substitute office at one of CEO’s suites or its affiliated centers worldwide can be arranged and be made ready in less than 24 hours. Perhaps you sense uncertainty in the country with the upcoming general election? There is nothing more certain than the ability of your Jakarta office to operate smoothly without your physical presence — in a virtual mode, that is. This is one of the numerous well-thought-out solutions that illustrate the anticipatory aspect of CEO SUITE.

However, this is only one part of CEO SUITE’s profile. The other concerns the soul of CEO SUITE. Its conscience, so to speak. “I firmly believe in a sort of balance … giving back … a positive give-and-take in life,” said Mee Kim, the president director.

CEO SUITE owns a foundation that contributes directly to numerous charities, both through well-respected organizations and on its own initiatives. Due to its inherent nature, this aspect of CEO SUITE has seldom been publicized. But the impact of its latest project — given its size, expanding budget and the involvement of many people, both local and from abroad — means that it will surely attract public attention, and thereby publicity. The tentative name of the project, slated to be put into gear this year, is “Organic Farm and Learning Center for Street Children”.

“The project will do more than simply serve the community. Next to providing street children with workable opportunities and a new direction in life, it is also very much environmentally related. We hope that it will be ongoing. Not just in this country, but in other countries where we operate. Our initial intention was to start out here on a modest scale, but the response from various parties has been so positive. It has now become a huge project. With the magnitude of the project comes responsibility. CEO SUITE sees this as a great opportunity. We will cover all the initial costs,” Mee Kim said.

The core concept is a vocational halfway house for street children with an emphasis on organic-cum-sustainable agriculture. The project will not only focus on vocational skills training but also on job creation through a network developed to market the goods produced with an environmental brand. Revenues generated will support other project activities. Even older residents in the vicinity will be given the opportunity to seek employment within this network. A mini Farmer Field School is also planned.

While the primary vocational training will be organic farming, other areas include medicinal herbs, furniture making, basic business and marketing skills, computer literacy, English and even eco-tourism and amongst others. Scholarships for the mostly homeless street children are also available.

In short, all this reflects the major concern of CEO SUITE: both the satisfaction of clients and another far more gratifying kind, the welfare of the community where the company is a citizen. Mee Kim only smiles when once in a while someone remarks on the balance exuded by CEO SUITE ambience right from the outset and wonders whether it has something to do with feng shui.

Like humans, corporations should be virtuous. Not just in adhering to principles that will be of short-term benefit. Real virtue may be rewarded within one’s lifetime, but it is also of lasting benefit, she mused out loud