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CEO News

Business Meeting is Becoming Informal

Perhaps, it is no longer necessary to hold internal meetings within a company or even with business partners in a large and intimidating conference room, attended by several executives.

A management expert said, these type of meetings are conservative, non cost effective and do not project a true reflection of a global image of the company. In addition to the time involved in organizing and arranging for several parties to attend, quite often, we have to consider the principle of effectiveness and productivity.

In the middle of an era of advanced telecommunication, the attendees do not have to physically meet each other because it is more efficient to use teleconferencing, video conferencing or audio conferencing. We just need to select the most convenient and comfortable mode. All of these can be provided by the service provider.

Through remote meeting, whether by image display or voice, a business is not less realistic. Given the choice, each attendee would prefer to stay in their own office during a meeting. If they wish to see whom they are speaking to, all they need to do is to select the speed in kilo bite per second/kbps. The higher the kbps, the more superior will be the quality of the image.

“More companies are coming to us now to use such a service. This is encouraged by the need to have more efficiency along with increasing the effectivity. More important is, we can achieve important business decisions and all are recorded, both voice and data,” said Garuda, Director of PT Telkom.

CEO SUITE, for example, provides the facility of Video Conference or teleconference in partnership with Indosat. A company which provides instant offices is opening chances to clients or the general public to use such features.

According to Maya, General Manager of CEO SUITE, Video Conferencing is commonly used by multinational companies from the various industries ranging from manufacturing, pharmacy to consultancy. CEO SUITE on an average, holds about 2 – 4 video conferencing sessions per month. Maya explained that commonly the users expect cost efficiency. Just imagine how much cost should our business partner incur if he has to travel to his headquarters or any of his branches worldwide. Besides, video conferencing can be held simultaneously with many parties.

“Therefore, if you wish to have one of your executives travel out of town, you must take into consideration costs for transportation, accommodation, meals, allowance etc.. With video conferencing, potential cost savings is a key factor.” she explained.