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CEO News

Personality: Mee Kim

The successes of each CEO SUITE (a serviced office provider) in Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore have in many ways fuelled the company’s expansion plan, and new center opening in Shanghai, China last November. One simply cannot ignore the accomplishments of CEO SUITE without acknowledging the group’s founder and president, Ms Mee Kim.

A Korean descent, Mee Kim first started CEO SUITE at the Jakarta Stock Exchange Building, Tower 2 on the 17th Floor – in 1997 in Jakarta when Indonesia, and all the other Asian economies were trying to keep afloat from the financial crises. Despite the fact that many big companies folded, Mee Kim nevertheless took the bold step ahead with setting up her own business center, targeting mainly multinational companies.

With the right mix of good concept and careful management, CEO SUITE, led by Mee Kim, despite the hard times, managed still to lease out all the spaces after its opening. As if to prove that there is a silver lining in every dark cloud, Mee Kim, despite the economic instability, repeated her success story in the GKBI building on the 39th floor within a relatively short period after Jakarta Stock Exchange.

Knowing she might have a working formula, and seizing the opportunity while the iron is still hot – Mee Kim within the next 2 years extended her expansion plans across many more miles to Kuala Lumpur and then, Singapore. “And last November, Shanghai!” Mee Kim revealed.

Having come a long, tough way, Mee Kim is today a proud owner of 5 centers with exceptionally high occupancy rates in each center.

“Shanghai, in comparison with Indonesia or Kuala Lumpur, is a much more expensive city with rental costs ranging from USD 1,000 to USD 5,000. But of course, the costs of rental are largely determined by the size of the office itself and the kind of facilities as included and provided within the package,” clarified Mee Kim.